Title: | Diagnostic Tools for a Multivariate Negative Binomial Model |
Description: | Diagnostic tools as residual analysis, global, local and total-local influence for the multivariate model from the random intercept Poisson generalized log gamma model are available in this package. Including also, the estimation process by maximum likelihood method, for details see Fabio, L. F; Villegas, C. L.; Carrasco, J.M.F and de Castro, M. (2021) <doi:10.1080/03610926.2021.1939380>. |
Authors: | Jalmar Carrasco [aut, cre], Cristian Lobos [aut], Lizandra Fabio [aut] |
Maintainer: | Jalmar Carrasco <[email protected]> |
License: | GPL (>=2) |
Version: | 1.1.0 |
Built: | 2025-02-15 03:39:45 UTC |
Source: | https://github.com/carrascojalmar/mnb |
The Alzheimer’s data is presented in Hand and Taylor (1987) and Hand and Crowder (1996) to assess deterioration aspects of intellect, self-care and personality in senile patients with Alzheimer’s disease. Two groups of patients were compared, one of which received a placebo and the other treatment with lecithin. In the data, each of the subjects, 26 in the placebo group and 22 in the lecithin group, were measured on five occasions (initially, 1st, 2nd, 4th and 6th). The measurements were the number of words that the patients could recalled from lists of words.
This data frame contains the following columns:
Y: The number of words that the patients could recalled from lists of words.
trt: Placebo ano lecithin groups.
ind: Indicator on the ith patient.
time: initially, 1st, 2nd, 4th and 6th visit.
Hand, D. J. and Crowder, M. (1996). Practical Longitudinal Data Analysis. London: Chapman and Hall.
Hand, D. J. and Taylor, C. C. (1987). Analysis of Variance and Repeated Measures. London: Chapman and Hall.
Fabio, L. C., Villegas, C., Carrasco, J. M. F., and de Castro, M. (2021). D Diagnostic tools for a multivariate negative binomial model for fitting correlated data with overdispersion. Communications in Statistics - Theory and Methods. https://doi.org/10.1080/03610926.2021.1939380.
Residual analysis for discrete correlated data in the multivariate approach. Submitted.
data(alzheimer) head(alzheimer)
data(alzheimer) head(alzheimer)
Simulated envelopes in normal probability plots
envelope.MNB(star, formula, dataSet, n.r, nsim, plot = TRUE)
envelope.MNB(star, formula, dataSet, n.r, nsim, plot = TRUE)
star |
Initial values for the parameters to be optimized over. |
formula |
The structure matrix of covariates of dimension n x p (in models that include an intercept x should contain a column of ones). |
dataSet |
data |
n.r |
Indicator which residual type graphics. 1 - weighted, 2 - Standardized weighted, 3 - Pearson, 4 - Standardized Pearson, 5 - standardized deviance component residuals and 6 - randomized quantile residuals. |
nsim |
Number of Monte Carlo replicates. |
plot |
TRUE or FALSE. Indicates if a graph should be plotted. |
Atkinson (1985), suggests the use of simulated envelopes in normal probability plots to facilitate the goodness of fit.
L, residuals and simulation envelopes in normal probability plots
Jalmar M F Carrasco <[email protected]>, Cristian M Villegas Lobos <[email protected]> and Lizandra C Fabio <[email protected]>
Atkinson A.C. (1985). Plots, Transformations and Regression: An Introduction to Graphical Methods of Diagnostic Regression Analysis. Oxford University Press, New York.
Fabio, L. C., Villegas, C., Carrasco, J. M. F., and de Castro, M. (2021). D Diagnostic tools for a multivariate negative binomial model for fitting correlated data with overdispersion. Communications in Statistics - Theory and Methods. https://doi.org/10.1080/03610926.2021.1939380.
data(seizures) head(seizures) star <-list(phi=1, beta0=1, beta1=1, beta2=1, beta3=1) envelope.MNB(formula=Y ~ trt + period + trt:period + offset(weeks),star=star,nsim=21,n.r=6, dataSet=seizures,plot=FALSE) data(alzheimer) head(alzheimer) star <- list(phi=10,beta1=2, beta2=0.2) envelope.MNB(formula=Y ~ trat, star=star, nsim=21, n.r=6, dataSet = alzheimer,plot=FALSE)
data(seizures) head(seizures) star <-list(phi=1, beta0=1, beta1=1, beta2=1, beta3=1) envelope.MNB(formula=Y ~ trt + period + trt:period + offset(weeks),star=star,nsim=21,n.r=6, dataSet=seizures,plot=FALSE) data(alzheimer) head(alzheimer) star <- list(phi=10,beta1=2, beta2=0.2) envelope.MNB(formula=Y ~ trat, star=star, nsim=21, n.r=6, dataSet = alzheimer,plot=FALSE)
Estimate parameters by quasi-Newton algorithms.
fit.MNB(star, formula, dataSet, tab = TRUE)
fit.MNB(star, formula, dataSet, tab = TRUE)
star |
Initial values for the parameters to be optimized over. |
formula |
The structure matrix of covariates of dimension n x p (in models that include an intercept x should contain a column of ones). |
dataSet |
data |
tab |
Logical. Print a summary of the coefficients, standard errors and p-value for class "MNB". |
Method "BFGS" is a quasi-Newton method, specifically that published simultaneously in 1970 by Broyden, Fletcher, Goldfarb and Shanno. This uses function values and gradients to build up a picture of the surface to be optimized.
Returns a list of summary statistics of the fitted multivariate negative binomial model.
Jalmar M F Carrasco <[email protected]>, Cristian M Villegas Lobos <[email protected]> and Lizandra C Fabio <[email protected]>
Fabio, L., Paula, G. A., and de Castro, M. (2012). A Poisson mixed model with nonormal random effect distribution. Computational Statistics and Data Analysis, 56, 1499-1510.
Fabio, L. C., Villegas, C., Carrasco, J. M. F., and de Castro, M. (2021). D Diagnostic tools for a multivariate negative binomial model for fitting correlated data with overdispersion. Communications in Statistics - Theory and Methods. https://doi.org/10.1080/03610926.2021.1939380.
data(seizures) head(seizures) star <-list(phi=1, beta0=1, beta1=1, beta2=1, beta3=1) mod1 <- fit.MNB(formula=Y ~ trt + period + trt:period + offset(log(weeks)), star=star, dataSet=seizures) mod1 seizures49 <- seizures[-c(241,242,243,244,245),] mod2 <- fit.MNB(formula=Y ~ trt + period + trt:period + offset(log(weeks)), star=star, dataSet=seizures49) mod2
data(seizures) head(seizures) star <-list(phi=1, beta0=1, beta1=1, beta2=1, beta3=1) mod1 <- fit.MNB(formula=Y ~ trt + period + trt:period + offset(log(weeks)), star=star, dataSet=seizures) mod1 seizures49 <- seizures[-c(241,242,243,244,245),] mod2 <- fit.MNB(formula=Y ~ trt + period + trt:period + offset(log(weeks)), star=star, dataSet=seizures49) mod2
It performers influence analysis by a global influence to evaluate the impact on the parameter estimates when we remove a particular observation.
global.MNB(formula, star, dataSet, plot = TRUE)
global.MNB(formula, star, dataSet, plot = TRUE)
formula |
The structure matrix of covariates of dimension n x p (in models that include an intercept x should contain a column of ones). |
star |
Initial values for the parameters to be optimized over. |
dataSet |
data |
plot |
TRUE or FALSE. Indicates if a graph should be plotted. |
The function returns a list (L) with the generalized Cook distance, Likelihood displacement and index plot.
L and graphics
Jalmar M F Carrasco <[email protected]>, Cristian M Villegas Lobos <[email protected]> and Lizandra C Fabio <[email protected]>
Fabio, L. C., Villegas, C., Carrasco, J. M. F., and de Castro, M. (2021). D Diagnostic tools for a multivariate negative binomial model for fitting correlated data with overdispersion. Communications in Statistics - Theory and Methods. https://doi.org/10.1080/03610926.2021.1939380.
data(seizures) head(seizures) star <-list(phi=1, beta0=1, beta1=1, beta2=1, beta3=1) global.MNB(formula=Y ~ trt + period + trt:period + offset(log(weeks)),star=star,dataSet=seizures,plot=FALSE)
data(seizures) head(seizures) star <-list(phi=1, beta0=1, beta1=1, beta2=1, beta3=1) global.MNB(formula=Y ~ trt + period + trt:period + offset(log(weeks)),star=star,dataSet=seizures,plot=FALSE)
It performes influence analysis by a local influence approach by Cook (1986). It is considering three perturbation schemes: Case weights, explanatory variable and dispersion parameter perturbation. Another procedure which considering is the total local curvature corresponding to the ith element approach by Lesaffre and Verbeke (1998).
local.MNB(star, formula, dataSet, schemes, cova, plot = TRUE)
local.MNB(star, formula, dataSet, schemes, cova, plot = TRUE)
star |
Initial values for the parameters to be optimized over. |
formula |
The structure matrix of covariates of dimension n x p (in models that include an intercept x should contain a column of ones). |
dataSet |
data |
schemes |
Perturbation scheme. Possible values: "cases" for Case weights perturbation on ith subject or cluster, "cases.obs" for Case weights perturbation on jth measurement taken on the ith subject or cluster, "cova.pertu" for explanatory variable perturbation, "dispersion" for dispersion parameter perturbation |
cova |
Indicator which column from dataset (continuous covariate) must be perturbation. |
plot |
TRUE or FALSE. Indicates if a graph should be plotted. |
The function returns a list (L) with the eigenvector associated with the maximum curvature, the total local influence and the index plot.
L and graphics
Jalmar M F Carrasco <[email protected]>, Cristian M Villegas Lobos <[email protected]> and Lizandra C Fabio <[email protected]>
Cook, R. D. (1986). Assessment of local influence (with discussion). Journal of the Royal Statistical Society B, 48, 133-169.
Lesaffre E. and Verbeke G. (1998). Local influence in linear mixed models. Biometrics, 54, 570-582.
Fabio, L. C., Villegas, C., Carrasco, J. M. F., and de Castro, M. (2021). D Diagnostic tools for a multivariate negative binomial model for fitting correlated data with overdispersion. Communications in Statistics - Theory and Methods. https://doi.org/10.1080/03610926.2021.1939380.
data(seizures) head(seizures) star <-list(phi=1, beta0=1, beta1=1, beta2=1, beta3=1) local.MNB(formula=Y ~ trt + period + trt:period + offset(log(weeks)),star=star,dataSet=seizures, schemes="weight",plot=FALSE) local.MNB(formula=Y ~ trt + period + trt:period + offset(log(weeks)),star=star,dataSet=seizures, schemes="weight.obs",plot=FALSE) local.MNB(formula=Y ~ trt + period + trt:period + offset(log(weeks)),star=star,dataSet=seizures, schemes="dispersion",plot=FALSE)
data(seizures) head(seizures) star <-list(phi=1, beta0=1, beta1=1, beta2=1, beta3=1) local.MNB(formula=Y ~ trt + period + trt:period + offset(log(weeks)),star=star,dataSet=seizures, schemes="weight",plot=FALSE) local.MNB(formula=Y ~ trt + period + trt:period + offset(log(weeks)),star=star,dataSet=seizures, schemes="weight.obs",plot=FALSE) local.MNB(formula=Y ~ trt + period + trt:period + offset(log(weeks)),star=star,dataSet=seizures, schemes="dispersion",plot=FALSE)
Diagnostic tools as residual analysis, global, local and total-local influence for the multivariate model from the random intercept Poisson-GlG mode. Including also, the estimation process by maximum likelihood and generating multivariate negative binomial data.
Jalmar M F Carrasco <[email protected]>, Cristian M Villegas Lobos <[email protected]> and Lizandra C Fabio <[email protected]>
Fabio, L. C, Villegas, C. L., Carrasco, J. M. F. and de Castro, M. (2020). Diagnostic tools for a multivariate negative binomial model for fitting correlated data with overdispersion. Submitted.
randomized quantile residual is available to assess possible departures from the multivariate negative binomial model for fitting correlated data with overdispersion.
qMNB(par, formula, dataSet)
qMNB(par, formula, dataSet)
par |
the maximum likelihood estimates. |
formula |
The structure matrix of covariates of dimension n x p (in models that include an intercept x should contain a column of ones). |
dataSet |
data |
The randomized quantile residual (Dunn and Smyth, 1996), which follow a standard normal distribution is used to assess departures from the multivariate negative binomial model.
Randomized quantile Residuals
Jalmar M F Carrasco <[email protected]>, Cristian M Villegas Lobos <[email protected]> and Lizandra C Fabio <[email protected]>
Dunn, P. K. and Smyth, G. K. (1996). Randomized quantile residuals. Journal of Computational and Graphical Statistics, 5, 236-244.
Fabio, L. C., Villegas, C., Carrasco, J. M. F., and de Castro, M. (2021). D Diagnostic tools for a multivariate negative binomial model for fitting correlated data with overdispersion. Communications in Statistics - Theory and Methods. https://doi.org/10.1080/03610926.2021.1939380.
data(seizures) head(seizures) star <-list(phi=1, beta0=1, beta1=1, beta2=1, beta3=1) mod <- fit.MNB(formula=Y ~ trt + period + trt:period + offset(log(weeks)),star=star,dataSet=seizures,tab=FALSE) par <- mod$par names(par)<-c() res.q <- qMNB(par=par,formula=Y ~ trt + period + trt:period + offset(log(weeks)),dataSet=seizures) plot(res.q,ylim=c(-3,4.5),ylab="Randomized quantile residual", xlab="Index",pch=15,cex.lab = 1.5, cex = 0.6, bg = 5) abline(h=c(-2,0,2),lty=3) #identify(res.q) data(alzheimer) head(alzheimer) star <- list(phi=10,beta1=2, beta2=0.2) mod <- fit.MNB(formula = Y ~ trat, star = star, dataSet = alzheimer,tab=FALSE) par<- mod$par names(par) <- c() re.q <- qMNB(par=par,formula = Y ~ trat, dataSet = alzheimer) head(re.q)
data(seizures) head(seizures) star <-list(phi=1, beta0=1, beta1=1, beta2=1, beta3=1) mod <- fit.MNB(formula=Y ~ trt + period + trt:period + offset(log(weeks)),star=star,dataSet=seizures,tab=FALSE) par <- mod$par names(par)<-c() res.q <- qMNB(par=par,formula=Y ~ trt + period + trt:period + offset(log(weeks)),dataSet=seizures) plot(res.q,ylim=c(-3,4.5),ylab="Randomized quantile residual", xlab="Index",pch=15,cex.lab = 1.5, cex = 0.6, bg = 5) abline(h=c(-2,0,2),lty=3) #identify(res.q) data(alzheimer) head(alzheimer) star <- list(phi=10,beta1=2, beta2=0.2) mod <- fit.MNB(formula = Y ~ trat, star = star, dataSet = alzheimer,tab=FALSE) par<- mod$par names(par) <- c() re.q <- qMNB(par=par,formula = Y ~ trat, dataSet = alzheimer) head(re.q)
Weighted, standardized weighted, Pearson, standardized Pearson and standardized deviance component residuals are available to assess possible departures from the multivariate negative binomial model for fitting correlated data with overdispersion.
re.MNB(star, formula, dataSet)
re.MNB(star, formula, dataSet)
star |
Initial values for the parameters to be optimized over. |
formula |
The structure matrix of covariates of dimension n x p (in models that include an intercept x should contain a column of ones). |
dataSet |
data |
Similarly to GLMs theory (Agresti, 2015; Faraway, 2016), weighted and the standardized weighted residuals are deduced trough Fisher scoring iterative process. Based in the Pearson residual, Fabio (2017) suggest the standardized Pearson residuals for the multivariate model from the random intercept Poisson-GLG model. In addition, it is available the standardized deviance component residual for the ith subject (Fabio et al., 2012).
Jalmar M F Carrasco <[email protected]>, Cristian M Villegas Lobos <[email protected]> and Lizandra C Fabio <[email protected]>
Agresti, A. (2015). Foundations of Linear and Generalized Linear Models. Wiley.
Faraway, F. (2016). Extending the Linear Model with R: Generalized Linear, Mixed Effects and nonparametric regression models. Taylor & Francis, New York.
Fabio, L., Paula, G. A., and de Castro, M. (2012). A Poisson mixed model with nonormal random effect distribution. Computational Statistics and Data Analysis, 56, 1499-1510.
Fabio, L. C., Villegas, C., Carrasco, J. M. F., and de Castro, M. (2021). D Diagnostic tools for a multivariate negative binomial model for fitting correlated data with overdispersion. Communications in Statistics - Theory and Methods. https://doi.org/10.1080/03610926.2021.1939380.
data(seizures) head(seizures) star <-list(phi=1, beta0=1, beta1=1, beta2=1, beta3=1) r <- re.MNB(formula=Y ~ trt + period + trt:period + offset(weeks),star=star,dataSet=seizures) plot(r$ij.Sweighted.residual,cex.axis = 1.2, cex.lab = 1.2, pch = 15,cex = 0.6, bg = 5,ylab="weighted.residual") abline(h=c(-3,0,3),lwd = 2, lty = 2) data(alzheimer) head(alzheimer) star <- list(phi=10,beta1=2, beta2=0.2) r <- re.MNB(formula = Y ~ trat,star=star,dataSet=alzheimer) names(r)
data(seizures) head(seizures) star <-list(phi=1, beta0=1, beta1=1, beta2=1, beta3=1) r <- re.MNB(formula=Y ~ trt + period + trt:period + offset(weeks),star=star,dataSet=seizures) plot(r$ij.Sweighted.residual,cex.axis = 1.2, cex.lab = 1.2, pch = 15,cex = 0.6, bg = 5,ylab="weighted.residual") abline(h=c(-3,0,3),lwd = 2, lty = 2) data(alzheimer) head(alzheimer) star <- list(phi=10,beta1=2, beta2=0.2) r <- re.MNB(formula = Y ~ trat,star=star,dataSet=alzheimer) names(r)
It simulates a multivariate response variable, Y_ij, that is jth measurement taken on the ith subject or cluster, i = 1,...,n and j= 1,...,mi.
rMNB(n, mi, formula, p.fix)
rMNB(n, mi, formula, p.fix)
n |
Length of the sample. |
mi |
replicates on the ith subject or cluster. |
formula |
The structure matrix of covariates of dimension n x p (in models that include an intercept x should contain a column of ones) |
p.fix |
Vector of theoretical regression parameters of length p. |
Generated response (Y_ij)
Jalmar M F Carrasco <[email protected]>, Cristian M Villegas Lobos <[email protected]> and Lizandra C Fabio <[email protected]>
n <- 100 mi <- 3 x1 <- rep(rnorm(n,0,1),each=mi) x2 <- rep(c(0,1),each=150) p.fix <- c(10,2.0,0.5,1) #generating a sample sample.ex <- rMNB(n=n,mi=mi,formula=~x1+x2, p.fix=p.fix) head(sample.ex)
n <- 100 mi <- 3 x1 <- rep(rnorm(n,0,1),each=mi) x2 <- rep(c(0,1),each=150) p.fix <- c(10,2.0,0.5,1) #generating a sample sample.ex <- rMNB(n=n,mi=mi,formula=~x1+x2, p.fix=p.fix) head(sample.ex)
The data set described in Diggle et.al (2013) refers to an experiment in which 59 epileptic patients were randomly assigned to one of two treatment groups: treatment (progabide drug) and placebo groups. The number of seizures experienced by each patient during the baseline period (week eight) and the four consecutive periods (every two weeks) was recorded. The main goal of this application is to analyze the drug effect with respect to the placebo. Two dummies covariates are considered in this study; Group which assumes values equal to 1 if the patient belongs to treatment group and 0 otherwise, and Period which assumes values equal to 1 if the number of seizures are recorded during the treatment and 0 if are measured in the baseline period. It is taking into account the Time covariate which represents the number of weeks required for the counting of seizures in each patient of the placebo and treatment groups.
This data frame contains the following columns:
Y: The number epileptic seizure.
trt: Treatment: binary indicators for the prograbide and placebo groups.
period: binary indicator for the baseline period.
week: number od weeks
ind: Indicator on the ith patient.
Diggle, P. J., Liang, K. Y., and Zeger, S. L. (2013). Analysis of Longitudinal Data. Oxford University Press, N.Y., 2 edition.
Fabio, L. C., Villegas, C., Carrasco, J. M. F., and de Castro, M. (2021). D Diagnostic tools for a multivariate negative binomial model for fitting correlated data with overdispersion. Communications in Statistics - Theory and Methods. https://doi.org/10.1080/03610926.2021.1939380.
data(seizures) head(seizures)
data(seizures) head(seizures)